Cheap Nfinity Cheer Shoes

Nfinity Passion Cheer Shoe
As the cheerleading industry evolves, the equipment and gear cheerleaders use has to keep pace. Cheerleaders are jumping higher, stunting harder and tumbling more. Nfinity Cheerleading revolutionized the cheerleading footwear market by developing the world's first spring floor cheerleading shoe.

If you've ever slipped your feet in a pair of Nfinity shoes, you know they are the ultimate in comfort. Nfinity Cheerleading is the world's first and only brand with a core focus on designing and engineering lightweight high-performance athletic footwear for female athletes. Nfinity shoes address the unique biomechanical needs of the female athlete to enhance their athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Nfinity BioniQ™ addresses the typically more pronounced Q-Angle in females. The Q-angle is the alignment between the hip and knee joints.  THe BioniQ™ technology helps guide and support the foot in an ergonomic performance enhancing position during jumping and landing. Nfinity QChannel™ & QPlate™ is a system designed to help center the foot as it transitions from heel to toe. The Ankle Loc™ Technology enhances the heel fit around the ankle. Nfinity Cheerleading is definitely the number one choice for cheerleading footwear.